“Uni” A life-style blogger who loves exploring the Little Sweet Town! Uni has lovely friends and they have their own interests and fantastic jobs. Everyday is a new day!!
Soo…. What are we gonna do today~?

Uni loves creating online contents, going out and chit-chat with his friends. He has a lot of subscribers and followers on his social account.

Riz – A little squirrel girl who loves baking fresh breads! She has a bakery shop downtown. Uni often came to visit her in the morning. Her pestry is the best in this town, Absolutely.

On Uni’s online blog, There are new updates of Riz’s menu every week. He’s the first one who tried it.

Not too far from downtown, there is a big garden that belongs to Keme the turtle. He grows all the plants himself and sells them at a low price. His garden is so peaceful so… he usually falls asleep many times.

Sometimes, there is an uncommon plant appears in his garden…

If you are talking about fashion things, you can’t forget “Hamony”. Her clothes shop located in the center of downtown and near Riz’s bakery shop. She loves dresses and cute stuffs.

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